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Heat Shrink Pack Tubing Multi-Colored 385 PCS

Heat shrink is the duct tape of electronics which I guess makes this heat shrink the colorful and exciting duct tape they sell at craft stores.  This heat shrink comes in six different colors - red, blue, green, yellow, white and the traditional black.

Each pack contains

  • 1.0mm x 40mm -7 colors each 15 total of 105 pcs
  • 2.0mm x 40mm -7 colors each 8 total of 56 pcs
  • 3.0mm x 45mm -7 colors each 10 total of 70 pcs
  • 4.0mm x 45mm -7 colors each 6 total of 42 pcs
  • 5.0mm x 65mm -7 colors each 4 total of 28 pcs
  • 6.0mm x 65mm -7 colors each 3 total of 21 pcs
  • 8.0mm x 90mm -7 colors each 3 total of 21 pcs
  • 10mm x 90mm -7 colors each 3 total of 21 pcs
  • 12mm x 90mm -7 colors each 3 total of 21 pcs

Heat shrink keeps your stuff all safe and kept together. Especially when wiring and soldering, use heat shrink to add mechanical strength to cables. We use this stuff all the time and having a zip-lock bag of all the possible sizes is super handy. The colors can be used to color code different wires so you know which wire is power, data, ground, analog in, etc.

Heat Shrink Pack Tubing Multi-Colored 385 PCS

Heat Shrink Pack Tubing Multi-Colored 385 PCS

36 in stock

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Regular price ₱ 415.00
Regular price Sale price ₱ 415.00
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