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Soil Moisture Sensor Analog Digital

Soil Moisture Sensor Analog-Digital - This sensor allows you to detect the moisture of the soil, and/or check if the sensor is dry or not. This sensor only requires three pins (D0, VCC, GND). You may adjust its sensitivity using rotating the in-board potentiometer.


  • Digital output, easy to adjust
  • Nickel plating to avoid corrosion
  • Working voltage: 3.3V-5V
  • On-board LM393 chip
  • Dimension of the board: 3.2cm x 1.4cm

Soil Moisture Sensor – Description

This is an easy-to-use digital meter to measure soil moisture. The brownie point is that you just need to insert the digital meter in the soil. It will monitor and record the moisture of the soil as well as the water level content in it. You grasp a digital showcase of the result. The output of 5V indicates the moisture level to be high whereas, the 0V means the low moisture in the soil.

Furthermore, the Soil Moisture Sensor integrates a potentiometer that allows you to adjust the desired moisture threshold. It is quite beneficial in itself. The digital output manifests a higher number on an LED as when as the sensor records more moisture than the set threshold. Similarly, the output is to remain low when the moisture level is less than the set threshold. Moreover, it also permits users to attach a microcontroller to sense the moisture level.
The Soil Moisture Sensor or Humidity Sensor brings plenty of benefits when you implement it in water sensing and gardening projects. It tells you the right time your plants need the water by determining the moisture and water level in the soil. There’re two probes on the sensor that acts as variable resistors. Hence, it can help you in home automated watering systems. Both probes can be used to measure the volumetric content of water.

Key Specifications:-

  • Output mode: Dual output mode (analog output)
  • Operating voltage: 3.3V – 5V
  • Panel PCD Dimensions: 3 x 1.5 cm
  • Soil Probe Dimensions: 6 x 3 cm
  • Cable length (cm): 2.1
  • GND: GND
  • VCC: 3.3V – 5V
  • AO: Analog Output Interface
  • DO: Digital Output Interface
  • Installation: A fixed bolt hole for easy installation
  • LED: yes

Applications –

  • The Soil Moisture Detector can be used to measure the moisture content of the soil.
  • DO port output will be high in case the module is unable to reach the set threshold.
  • Similarly, when the soil moisture is high and exceeds the threshold, the DO port output will be low.
  • An AD converter is used to connect the small board analog output AO and AD module.
  • Further, the digital module can be connected to the MCU directly.
  • Also, it can drive the buzzer module directly to act as soil moisture alarm equipment.

Soil Moisture Sensor Analog Digital

Soil Moisture Sensor Analog Digital

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Regular price ₱ 35.00
Regular price Sale price ₱ 35.00
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